Thursday, February 24, 2011

Embedding fonts

Embedding fonts is quite easy. Here is example:

Firstly, we have to embed font. In this case my path is relative. mimeType is not manatory, but it's good practise to fill it.

[Embed(source='assets/MyFont.ttf', fontName="Font_MyFont", mimeType="application/x-font-truetype")]
private static var stringForHoldingFont:String;

Variable from above is not used anywhere. It's just for holding glyphs.

Here comes our field, where we use embedded font
private var _title:TextField;

_title = new TextField();

var style:TextFormat =  _title.getTextFormat();

Type of font is set in TextFormat. We can create new or copy existing one. And here comes most important part. We set name from embed. And in textfield object (not TextFormat!), we setembedFonts property to true. Otherwise there will be no result.

style.font = "Font_MyFont";
_title.embedFonts = true;

When we set format for field this should work.

_title.defaultTextFormat = style;

If You are using Flex builder / Flash builder as IDE remember to set font manager for project. Otherwise it won't work. To do this choose project properties -> 'ActionScript Compiler' and as 'Additional compiler arguments' put
 -managers flash.fonts.AFEFontManager 
like on this screen:

Remember to check it on device where this font is not installed. For example if You forget to set property embedFonts this will work on computer where you have this font (like probably your computer).

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